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首頁 » Negative Hydrogen Ion

Negative Hydrogen Ion

Negative Hydrogen Ion

4,600 million  years ago, there is no Oxygen on earth but only 90% of Nitrogen and 10% of Hydrogen.  Afterwards, the Oxygen became more and these two elements were solidified. Nitrogen turned to be air and got stable while the Hydrogen dissolved to the Lava's minerals and get stabilized. Now, the Hydrogen slowly releases to the natural water. The water resource containing the Negative Hydrogen Ion are from glacial meltwater, highland Lake water, deep well water and the natural spring water. The Negative Hydrogen Ion is glacial absorbing from the sun. Many people around the world live long lives because they drink the water with Negative Hydrogen Ion and super micro mineral jelly that flows from the high mountain glacial. Nuoerdengnao cave of Germany, Lourdes of France, Torah Spector all have been through scientific research and concluded that all of them have no difference from normal water but with the common feature of Negative Hydrogen ion.  


Magical Negative Hydrogen Ion

1. Able to neutralize the positive Hydrogen Ion to have the body slightly alkaline.

2. Recovering the tissue's flexibility and making muscle ligament and the skeleton stronger.

3. The function of immune system getting stable and the allergy avoided accordingly.

4. Recovering & enforcing the function of metabolism including Hormone secretion, enzyme, ulcer healing…etc.

5. Forming the special biological environment in the body not to let the bacteria, virus, parasites survive.

6. Quickly neutralize the free radicals and increase the microvascular's penetration power and relieve all inflammation and swelling.

7. Carrying one more Negative potential to become Negative Ion which can enforce the conducting coefficient and reduce the active oxygen of positive potential to recover from the tiredness and strengthen the physical power.

8. Neutralizing the free radical after sports to protect the muscle tissue, to shorten the acidosis period; to improve the blood circulation; to reduce the swelling; to relieve the muscle's pain and to promote the recovery period.

9. After combining with water, it becomes a good carrier for the nutrition to enter the cells and detox with the penetrating and sticking power.                              

10.Hydrogen is the fuel of life carrying oxygen into the cells. Oxygen burns the Hydrogen and create the ATP(energy) and metabolize the water. It is non-toxic side effect, an energy source without calorie.      

11. The powerful anti-oxidation effect is not good for cancer cell:

(1) the Negative Hydrogen Ion can continuously destroy the free radical for a long term.

(2) the immune system can perish the mutation cell not to proliferate

(3) to prevent the cancer cell from combining with the normal cell.

12. In 1937, the document of biology-chemistry had reported that the Negative Hydrogen Ion is the smallest, the strongest and the most superior anti-oxidant among all the natural substances in the universe which anti-oxidation effect is 863 times of Q10; 431 times of vitamin E; 290 times of Catechin;221 times of Polyphenols; 176 times of vitamin C. It can remove the most toxic free radicals of active oxygen; can fight with the chronic diseases and can prevent the diseases of digestive system, the respiratory system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. The modern medical science presumes that at least 100 types of chronic diseases are related to the free radicals of active oxygen.


The Reports about the Application of Negative Hydrogen Water 

* Medical Dr. Hsiu Kuang Lin, the Japanese water expert, has described in the book <Water for Life – Rich Hydrogen Water Detox> that the water rich of active Hydrogen is truly good for people's health.

    * The report GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) announced by the FDA of America has pointed out that Negative Hydrogen Water is the safe food additive, no toxin to the organism,         nonflammable, with strong and natural anti-oxidation feature, which can be added into the water.

* Japanese Ministry of Health has approved that it is safe for people to take Hydrogen and a safe food additive listed under the directory. (No.168 is Shuai Su)

* In 2007, Dr. Ohsawa from the Japan Medical University announced a lengthy treatise in the well-known magazine <Natural Medical Science> certifying that Hydrogen is beneficial to anti-oxidation treatment and prevent and cure many pathogens.

*In 2008, Japanese Kajiyama declared in a treatise<Nutrition Research>that Hydrogen can effectively cure diabetes, hypertension, arteriosclerosis … etc.

*American Harford University Fuseis Research Institute found that it can cure colitis for animal to drink Hydrogen Water.

*Mr. Andrew Chan, the prevention researcher of Colorectal Cancer from Harvard University, assumed that Negative Hydrogen Water has significant effect in curing Colorectal Cancer.

*Chinese scientists even found that Hydrogen Water can remove the pollution of heavy metal on vegetables.

*Negative Hydrogen Water's anti-oxidation feature is also well applied on the plant cultivation, livestock breeding, and aquaculture.

*American MHF indicated that drinking Hydrogen highly dissolved water (1.6ppm=1600ppb) is the most simple, convenient and safest way to absorb Hydrogen molecules without drinking much water.

*American Dr. Patrick Flanagan pointed that Hydrogen is the key point to people's life, death, and ageing. No Hydrogen Ion, no life on earth.  Hydrogen ion is the source of energy.   Negative Hydrogen Ion decides each cell's health condition


 Supplement of『Hydrogn』Means Supplement of Basis and Power of Life


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